import logging
import os
import random
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from .util import convert_to_number_if_possible
def check_train(
df: pd.DataFrame,
predictors: list,
to_predict: str,
verbose: int = 1, # this needs to be removed(non used)
pos_group: str = "",
) -> Union[str, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, list, str]]:
Checks training dataframe for errors.
:param df: a pandas dataframe containing training data.
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:param predictors: a list of predictors for SPARE model training.
:type predictors: list
:param to_predict: variable to predict.
:type to_predict: str
:param pos_group: group to assign a positive SPARE score (only for classification).
:type pos_group: str
:return: a tuple containing 1) the filtered dataframe, 2) filtered predictors, 3)SPARE model type.
:rtype: [pandas.DataFrame, list, str]
# GAI 26/04/2023: Removed check for existence of these columns
# if not {'ID','Age','Sex'}.issubset(set(df.columns)):
# logging.error('Please check required columns: ID, Age, Sex.')
# return 'Please check required columns: ID, Age, Sex.'
if not set(predictors).issubset(df.columns):
logging.error("Not all predictors exist in the input dataframe.")
return "Not all predictors exist in the input dataframe."
if to_predict not in df.columns:
logging.error("Variable to predict is not in the input dataframe.")
return "Variable to predict is not in the input dataframe."
if to_predict in predictors:
"Variable to predict is in the predictor set. This will be removed from the set."
if np.sum(np.sum(pd.isna(df[predictors]))) > 0:
"Some participants have invalid predictor variables (i.e. n/a). They will be excluded."
df = df.loc[np.sum(pd.isna(df[predictors]), axis=1) == 0].reset_index(drop=True)
if len(df[to_predict].unique()) == 2:
if pos_group == "":
'"pos_group" not provided (group to assign a positive score).'
return '"pos_group" not provided (group to assign a positive score).'
elif convert_to_number_if_possible(pos_group) not in df[to_predict].unique():
'"pos_group" is not one of the two groups in the variable to predict.'
return (
'"pos_group" is not one of the two groups in the variable to predict.'
if np.min(df[to_predict].value_counts()) < 10:
logging.error("At least one of the groups to classify is too small (n<10).")
return "At least one of the groups to classify is too small (n<10)."
elif np.min(df[to_predict].value_counts()) < 100:
"At least one of the groups to classify may be too small (n<100)."
mdl_task = "Classification"
elif len(df[to_predict].unique()) > 2:
if df[to_predict].dtype not in ["int64", "float64"]:
logging.error("Variable to predict must be either binary or numeric.")
return "Variable to predict must be either binary or numeric."
if len(df.index) < 10:
logging.error("Sample size is too small (n<10).")
return "Sample size is too small (n<10)."
elif len(df.index) < 100:
logging.warn("Sample size may be too small (n<100).")
if pos_group != "":
'SPARE regression does not need a "pos_group". This will be ignored.'
mdl_task = "Regression"
logging.error("Variable to predict has no variance.")
return "Variable to predict has no variance."
return df, predictors, mdl_task
def check_test(
df: pd.DataFrame, meta_data: dict
) -> Union[Tuple[str, list], Tuple[str, None]]:
Checks testing dataframe for errors.
:param df: a pandas dataframe containing testing data.
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:param meta_data: a dictionary containing training information on its paired SPARE model.
:type meta_data: dict
# if not {'ID','Age','Sex'}.issubset(set(df.columns)):
# return logging.error('Please check required columns: ID, Age, Sex.')
if not set(meta_data["predictors"]).issubset(df.columns):
cols_not_found = sorted(set(meta_data["predictors"]) - set(df.columns))
err = "Not all predictors exist in the input dataframe: " + str(cols_not_found)
return (err, cols_not_found)
# if 'Age' not in df.columns:
#'"Age" column not found in the input dataframe.')
# else:
# if (np.min(df['Age']) < np.min((meta_data['cv_results']['Age']))) or (
# np.max(df['Age']) > np.max((meta_data['cv_results']['Age']))):
# logging.warn('Some participants fall outside the age range of the SPARE model.')
if np.sum(np.sum(pd.isna(df[meta_data["predictors"]]))) > 0:
"Some participants have invalid (missing or NaN values) predictor variables."
if "ID" in df.columns:
if np.any(df["ID"].isin(meta_data["cv_results"]["ID"])):"Some participants seem to have been in the model training.")
return "OK", None
def smart_unique(
df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: Union[pd.DataFrame, None] = None, to_predict: str = ""
) -> Union[str, pd.DataFrame, tuple]:
Select unique data points in a way that optimizes SPARE training.
For SPARE regression, preserve data points with extreme values.
For SPARE classification, preserve data points that help age match.
:param df1: the passed dataframe
:type df1: pandas.DataFrame
:param df2: optional, if df1 and df2 are two groups to classify.
:type df2: pandas.DataFrame
:param to_predict: variable to predict. Binary for classification and continuous for regression.
Must be one of the columnes in df. Ignored if df2 is given.
:type to_predict: str
:return: a trimmed pandas dataframe or a tuple of two dataframes with only one time point per ID.
:rtype: pandas.DataFrame
assert isinstance(df2, pd.DataFrame) or (
df2 is None
), 'Either provide a 2nd pandas dataframe for the 2nd argument or specify it with "to_predict"'
if df2 is None:
if to_predict == "":
'Either provide a second dataframe or provide a column "to_predict"'
return 'Either provide a second dataframe or provide a column "to_predict"'
if len(df1[to_predict].unique()) < 2:
logging.error("Variable to predict has no variance.")
return "Variable to predict has no variance."
if len(df1[to_predict].unique()) > 2:
if ~np.any(df1["ID"].duplicated()):"No duplicated IDs.")
else:"Select unique time points for SPARE regression training.")
df1[f"{to_predict}_from_mean"] = np.abs(
df1[to_predict] - np.mean(df1[to_predict])
df1 = df1[
== df1[f"{to_predict}_from_mean"]
df1 = df1[~df1["ID"].duplicated()].reset_index(drop=True)
return df1
if ~np.any(df1.groupby(["ID", to_predict]).size() > 1):"No duplicated IDs in either group.")
return df1
grps = list(df1[to_predict].unique())
df1, df2 = df1[df1[to_predict] == grps[0]], df1[df1[to_predict] == grps[1]]
no_df2 = True
if to_predict is not None:'"to_predict" will be ignored.')
if (~np.any(df1["ID"].duplicated())) and (~np.any(df2["ID"].duplicated())):"No duplicated IDs in either group.")
return (df1, df2)
no_df2 = False"Select unique time points for SPARE classification training.")
swap = False
if stats.ttest_ind(df1["Age"], df2["Age"]).pvalue < 0.05:
if np.mean(df1["Age"]) < np.mean(df2["Age"]):
df1, df2, swap = df2.copy(), df1.copy(), True
df2 = df2.loc[df2["Age"] >= np.min(df1["Age"])].reset_index(drop=True)
df1 = df1[df1.groupby("ID")["Age"].transform(min) == df1["Age"]].reset_index(
df2 = df2[df2.groupby("ID")["Age"].transform(max) == df2["Age"]].reset_index(
else:"Age difference not significant between two groups.")
df1 = df1[~df1["ID"].duplicated()].reset_index(drop=True)
df2 = df2[~df2["ID"].duplicated()].reset_index(drop=True)
if swap:
df1, df2 = df2.copy(), df1.copy()
return pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True) if no_df2 else (df1, df2)
def age_sex_match(
df1: pd.DataFrame,
df2: Union[pd.DataFrame, None] = None,
to_match: str = "",
p_threshold: float = 0.15,
verbose: int = 1,
age_out_percentage: float = 20,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Match two groups for age and sex.
:param df1: the passed dataframe
:type df1: pandas.DataFrame
:param df2: optional, if df1 and df2 are two groups to classify.
:type df2: pandas.DataFrame
:param to_match: a binary variable of two groups.
Must be one of the columns in df.
Ignored if df2 is given.If to_match
is 'Sex', then only perform age matching.
:type to_match: str
:param p_threshold: minimum p-value for matching. Default value = 0.15
:type p_threshold: float
:param verbose: whether to output messages.(Will be deprecated later)
:type verbose: int
:param age_out_percentage: percentage of the larger group to
randomly select a participant to
take out from during the age matching.
For example, if age_out_percentage = 20 and the
larger group is significantly older, then exclude
one random participant from the fifth
quintile based on age. Default value = 20
:type age_out_percentage: float
:return: a trimmed pandas dataframe or a tuple of two dataframes
with age/sex matched groups.
:rtype: pandas.DataFrame
assert isinstance(df2, pd.DataFrame) or (
df2 is None
), 'Either provide a 2nd pandas dataframe for the 2nd argument or specify the two groups with "to_match"'
if df2 is None:
if to_match == "":
'Either provide a 2nd dataframe or provide a column "to_match"'
return 'Either provide a 2nd dataframe or provide a column "to_match"'
if len(df1[to_match].unique()) != 2:
logging.error("Variable to match must be binary")
return "Variable to match must be binary"
grps = list(df1[to_match].unique())
df1, df2 = df1[df1[to_match] == grps[0]], df1[df1[to_match] == grps[1]]
no_df2 = True
if to_match is not None:'Two dataframes provided. "to_match" will be ignored.')
no_df2 = False
if (age_out_percentage <= 0) or (age_out_percentage >= 100):
logging.error("Age-out-percentage must be between 0 and 100")
return "Age-out-percentage must be between 0 and 100"
if (len(df1["Sex"].unique()) == 1) & (len(df2["Sex"].unique()) == 1):"Performing age matching only.")
sex_match = False
sex_match = True
swap = 1
n_orig = len(df1.index) + len(df2.index)
p_age = stats.ttest_ind(df1["Age"], df2["Age"]).pvalue
if sex_match:
s1, s2 = df1["Sex"].unique()
p_sex = stats.chi2_contingency(
[np.array(df1["Sex"].value_counts()), np.array(df2["Sex"].value_counts())]
p_sex = 1
f" Original: P_age: {np.round(p_age, 2)}/ P_sex: {np.round(p_sex, 2)}"
p_age_all, p_sex_all = np.array(p_age), np.array(p_sex)
while np.min([p_age, p_sex]) < p_threshold:
if len(df2.index) > len(df1.index):
df1, df2 = df2.copy(), df1.copy()
swap *= -1
if p_age < p_threshold:
if np.mean(df1["Age"]) < np.mean(df2["Age"]):
i_age = df1["Age"] < np.percentile(df1["Age"], age_out_percentage)
i_age = df1["Age"] > np.percentile(df1["Age"], 100 - age_out_percentage)
i_age = df1["Age"] >= 0
if p_sex < p_threshold:
if np.sum(df1["Sex"] == s1) / np.sum(df1["Sex"] == s2) > np.sum(
df2["Sex"] == s1
) / np.sum(df2["Sex"] == s2):
i_sex = df1["Sex"] == s1
i_sex = df1["Sex"] == s2
i_sex = np.ones(len(df1.index)).astype(bool)
df1 = df1.drop(
random.sample(list(df1[i_age & i_sex].index), 1)
suggestion = (
'Try increasing "age_out_percentage" parameter.'
if np.min([len(df1.index), len(df2.index)]) > 10
else ""
logging.error(f"Matching failed... {suggestion}")
return f"Matching failed... {suggestion}"
p_age = stats.ttest_ind(df1["Age"], df2["Age"]).pvalue
p_sex = stats.chi2_contingency(
[np.array(df1["Sex"].value_counts()), np.array(df2["Sex"].value_counts())]
p_age_all = np.append(p_age_all, p_age)
p_sex_all = np.append(p_sex_all, p_sex)
if swap == -1:
df1, df2 = df2.copy(), df1.copy()
logging.debug(f" {n_orig - len(df1.index) - len(df2.index)} participants excluded")
logging.debug(f" Final: P_age: {np.round(p_age, 2)}/ P_sex {np.round(p_sex, 2)}")"Age/Sex matched!")
if no_df2:
return pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)
return (df1, df2)
def logging_basic_config(
verbose: int = 1, content_only: bool = False, filename: str = ""
) -> Any:
Basic logging configuration for error exceptions
:param verbose: input verbose. Default value = 1
:type verbose: int
:param content_only: If set to True it will output only the needed content. Default value = False
:type content_only: bool
:param filename: input filename. Default value = ''
:type filename: str
logging_level = {
0: logging.WARNING,
1: logging.INFO,
2: logging.DEBUG,
3: logging.ERROR,
4: logging.CRITICAL,
fmt = (
" %(message)s" if content_only else "%(levelname)s (%(funcName)s): %(message)s"
if filename != "" and filename is not None:
if not os.path.exists(filename):
dirname, _ = os.path.split(filename)
if dirname != "":
level=logging_level[verbose], format=fmt, force=True, filename=filename
logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level[verbose], format=fmt, force=True)
return logging.getLogger()
def convert_cat_variables(df: pd.DataFrame, predictors: list, meta_data: Any) -> Any:
cat_vars = [var for var in df[predictors].columns if df[var].dtypes == "O"]
meta_data.categorical_var_map = {var: None for var in cat_vars}
for var in cat_vars:
if len(df[var].unique()) <= 2:
meta_data.categorical_var_map[var] = {
df[var].unique()[0]: 1,
df[var].unique()[-1]: 2,
df[var] = df[var].map(meta_data.categorical_var_map[var])
elif len(df[var].unique()) > 2:
raise ValueError(
"Categorical variables with more than 2 "
+ "categories are currently not supported."
return df, meta_data