CBICA Toolkit  1.0.0
Statistics< TDataType > Class Template Reference

Stand-alone helper class to generate statistics in a efficient manner. More...

#include <cbicaStatistics.h>

Public Member Functions

double GetCoefficientOfVariation ()
 Get Coefficient of Variation.
double GetEnergy ()
 Get the Energy.
TDataType GetInterQuartileRange ()
 Get the InterQuartile Range.
double GetKurtosis ()
 Does exactly what it says.
double GetMaximum ()
 Does exactly what it says.
double GetMean ()
 Does exactly what it says.
double GetMeanAbsoluteDeviation ()
 Get the Mean Absolute Deviation.
TDataType GetMedian ()
double GetMedianAbsoluteDeviation ()
 Get Median Absolute Deviation.
double GetMinimum ()
 Does exactly what it says.
TDataType GetMode ()
TDataType GetNthPercentileElement (size_t n)
 Gets the element at the Nth percentile (always defined between 1-99)
double GetQuartileCoefficientOfDispersion ()
 Get Quartile Coefficient Of Dispersion.
TDataType GetRange ()
 Get the Range.
double GetRobustMeanAbsoluteDeviation (size_t lowerQuantile, size_t upperQuantile)
 Get the Robust Mean Absolute Deviation.
double GetRootMeanSquare ()
 Get the Root Mean Square (also called Quadratic Mean)
double GetSkewness ()
 Does exactly what it says.
double GetStandardDeviation ()
 Does exactly what it says.
double GetStudentizedRange ()
 Get the Studentized Range.
double GetSum ()
 Does exactly what it says.
double GetVariance ()
 Does exactly what it says.
std::vector< double > GetZScores ()
 Does exactly what it says.
void SetInput (std::vector< TDataType > &inputArray)
 Set new input.
 Statistics ()
 Default Constructor.
 Statistics (std::vector< TDataType > &inputArray)
 Constructor with input.
 ~Statistics ()
 Default Destructor.

Detailed Description

template<class TDataType = float>
class cbica::Statistics< TDataType >

Stand-alone helper class to generate statistics in a efficient manner.

Usage: std::vector< int > myArray; cbica::Statistics< int > calculator(myArray); // OR use 'calculator.SetInput(myArray)' after doing 'cbica::Statistics< int > calculator;' std::cout << "Sum = " << calculator.GetSum() << "\n; std::cout << "Mean = " << calculator.GetMean() << "
; std::cout << "Variance = " << calculator.GetVariance() << "\n; std::cout << "StandardDev = " << calculator.GetStandardDeviation() << "
; std::cout << "Kurtosis = " << calculator.GetKurtosis() << "\n; std::cout << "Skewness = " << calculator.GetSkewness() << "

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