CBICA Toolkit  1.0.0
NaryMeanDiffusionTensorImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > Class Template Reference

Implements an operator for pixel-wise averaging of two Diffusion Tensor images. More...

#include <itkNaryMeanDiffusionTensorImageFilter.h>

Inheritance diagram for NaryMeanDiffusionTensorImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >:
Collaboration diagram for NaryMeanDiffusionTensorImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >:

Public Types

 Enum to decide which Metric To use compute the means.
typedef SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef NaryMeanDiffusionTensorImageFilter Self
 Standard class typedefs.
typedef NaryFunctorImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, Functor::DiffusionTensorMean< typename TInputImage::PixelType, typename TInputImage::PixelType > > Superclass

Public Member Functions

 itkNewMacro (Self)
 Method for creation through the object factory.
 itkTypeMacro (NaryMeanDiffusionTensorImageFilter, NaryFunctorImageFilter)
 Runtime information support.
virtual void SetMetricType (int _arg)

Detailed Description

template<class TInputImage, class TOutputImage>
class itk::NaryMeanDiffusionTensorImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >

Implements an operator for pixel-wise averaging of two Diffusion Tensor images.

This class is parametrized over the types of the two input images and the type of the output image. Numeric conversions (castings) are done by the C++ defaults.

The pixel type of the input 1 image must have a valid defintion of the operator+ with a pixel type of the image 2. This condition is required because internally this filter will perform the operation

pixel_from_image_1 + pixel_from_image_2

Additionally the type resulting from the sum, will be cast to the pixel type of the output image.

No numeric overflow checking is performed in this filter.
We should implement a mask to define the region of interest.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: