
NiChart is designed to integrate independent image processing and analysis pipelines. The following sections detail these pipelines.

Current Pipelines

These pipelines are currently active and accessible within the NiChart Project

1. sMRI Biomarkers of Disease and Aging

Neuroimaging pipeline for computing AI biomarkers of disease and aging from T1-weighted MRI scans. The pipeline applies the following steps for processign and analysis.


DLMUSE: Rapid and accurate brain anatomy segmentation



COMBAT: Statistical data harmonization of ROI volumes to reference data


Supervised ML Biomarkers

SPARE-AD and SPARE-Age indices: AI biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease and Aging related brain atrophy patterns

SPARE-AD and SPARE-Age indices

SPARE-CVR indices: AI biomarkers of brain atrophy patterns associated with Cardio-Vascular Risk Factors

SPARE-CVR indices, Govindarajan, S.T., et. al., Nature Communications, 2024

Semi-supervised ML Biomarkers

SurrrealGAN indices

2. WM Lesion Segmentation

Neuroimaging pipeline for segmenting white matter lesions on FLAIR MRI scans.

DLWMLS: Rapid and accurate white matter lesion segmentation


Under Development

These pipelines are planned for integration in future NiChart releases.

1. DTI Biomarkers of Disease and Aging

2. fMRI Biomarkers of Disease and Aging

3. CCL-NMF: Dynamic Patterns of Brain Aging from Coupled Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Non-negative Matrix Factorization