Users can install NiChart Project with pip:
pip install NiChart_Project
Alternatively, the package can be installed from source:
git clone
cd NiChart_Project
pip install -r requirements.txt
We release our latest stable version on PyPI; accordingly, we strongly recommend pip installation.
PyTorch and NumPy have known compatibility issues across different platforms. To avoid potential conflicts, please follow the installation instructions below.
After installing all other necessary packages, uninstall any existing Torch installations:
$ pip uninstall torch
Reinstall PyTorch:
Linux: PyTorch version 2.3.1
Windows: PyTorch version 2.5.1
Users can select the correct index URL for their CUDA version based on the PyTorch getting started page
Example on a Linux x86 system:
$ pip install torch==2.3.1 --index-url
Managing your environment
We recommend installing NiChart Project within a dedicated environment. Users can create an environment using Mamba (please see Mamba Installation Guide).
Example on a Linux x86 system:
$ wget
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n NCP_env python=3.12
mamba activate NCP_env
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt